RO 500 LPH Sleek
Rs.290,000.00 Rs.300,000.00
Eagles Iberg Private Limited manufactures complete range of water & waste water equipment's under the brand name "Bluberry". Our raw materials are procured from the best-in-class brands and we manufacture the critical components.
Our purifiers are the best in the industry. All our filter cartridge's have enhanced life because of the best-in-class raw materials.
We are associated with many international brands who manufactures best-in-class component's.
Standard RO Plant - Industrial
- ModelSleek
- Flow Rate500 LPH
- Raw Water Pump1 HP
- Brand RWPBluberry
- High Pressure Pump2 HP
- Brand HPPGrundfos
- Pressurized Sand Filter1054
- Activated Carbon Filter1054
- Multiport ValveImported 1" MPV Automatic
- Mode of OperationAutomatic
- Pressure Guages2 Nos
- Low Pressure Switch | High Pressure SwitchYes
- Flow Meters2 Nos
- Online TDS MeterYes
- Antiscalant Dosing System with TankYes
- Auto FlushingYes
- Float RWT | PWTYes
- Flow MeterOptional